Formally known as “Friendship Missionary Baptist Church”, in August of 2012, the church was renamed to “Thee Living Word Church” (TLW), a nondenominational worship center, was founded on love, God’s Word, and a passion for humanity. Led by Pastor Curtis D. Thomas, TLW gives people who need to hear the Gospel, a place to come where the Word of God is alive and vibrant.

Since the birth of TLW, a number of things have occurred under the leadership of Pastor Curtis D. Thomas. On September 23, 2012 TLW ordained Minister Timothy Smith as a Minister of The Gospel. A few short months later, December 2, 2012, a service was held to officially change the name to Thee Living Word Church, Inc. with Dr. Tony Simmons, Pastor of The Marketplace International Church, Jesup, Georgia bringing forth the Word. A few days later, December 18, 2012, TLW acquired 32 acres which are located at E.B. Cooper HWY S.R.119, in the City of Long Reach in Liberty County Georgia.

In the year of 2013, Brother Gregory Martin was licensed to preach on March 13 and Sister Felecia Thomas on September 22.

In the year of 2014, Thee Living Word ordained Brothers Kenneth Davis and Vernal Lemon Sr. as Deacons and Sister Terry Davis as a Deaconess.

TLW Church took on several renovation projects beginning in February of 2014. These renovations included a new roof, new ceiling, new foyer, new bathrooms as well as new carpet.

Additional renovations began in March of 2017.  Two hardwood front doors and two metal side doors were installed in the church. In May of 2017, God blessed us with vinyl siding on the exterior of the church as well as new pulpit furniture and sanctuary chairs.

In the year of 2018, Thee Living Word Church ordained Minister Felecia L. Thomas on September 23. A few weeks later, on November 4, Brother Tim Brown was ordained as a Deacon and Sister Jean King was ordained as Deaconess.

In the year of 2019, Thee Living Word ordained Brother Corlandius Franklin as a Deacon on March 24. Sister Mary McCree was licensed to preach the Gospel on July 14.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.  (1 Chronicles 4:10)

Our Staff Members

Pastor Curtis D. Thomas

Curtis D. Thomas is the pastor of “Thee Living Word of Georgia, Inc.” A respected spiritual leader, he is dedicated to creating and providing programs, resources, and services to help...

Felecia L Thomas – 1st Lady

Minister Felecia Thomas is a native Floridian who ‘grew up’ in several places as the child of a NCO of the U.S. Army. Although she is proud of her earthly...

Dr. M. Stewart – Praise Team Leader

Dr Stewart has been leading praise teams for over 20 years,  She is faithful in her walk and is committed to all aspects of teaching and learning. Her desire to...